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Positive Pay

Added security to prevent fraudulent transactions

Happy male owner of a cafe using digital tablet.

A money management tool available to all businesses

UCCU Positive Pay is a sophisticated fraud prevention tool available to all business members. It helps users monitor and detect fraudulent unauthorized check and ACH payments helping keep your business safe and secure. 

To get started, contact one of our business experts. They are best reached by contacting our Business Services Team.

Talk to a Business Expert

Contact our team today to help get your business started with Positive Pay!

(801) 223-7665 | [email protected]

Available M–F 9am–5:30pm

This tool will provide an easy way to monitor and ensure payments are accurate and approved.  Positive Pay comes with two options – ACH Positive Pay, Check Positive Pay.

ACH Positive Pay

ACH Positive Pay allows a business owner to create rules for ACH transactions based on the debiting company, the amount, the SEC Code, and more. Any transaction falling outside of the rules will be marked as an exception item for manual review by the business member or authorized employee. Exception items will be returned or approved.  Approved Exception items may also be added as new rules so not to be flagged again in the future.

Check Positive Pay

Check Positive Pay helps detect unauthorized checks from clearing your business account.  By comparing checks presented to UCCU against a file of authorized checks provided by a business owner or authorized employee, UCCU Positive Pay will be able to securely match checks on date, amount, check number, and UCCU’s state-of-the-art payee match system. Any check that fails at any verification point will be marked as an exception item for manual review. Exception items will be returned or approved. 

Positive Pay FAQs

Is Positive Pay available for all businesses?

Yes.  All businesses are at potential risk of fraud.  Positive Pay can help combat against many types of counterfeit schemes which can save your business time and money.

How does Positive Pay work?
  • Check Positive Pay compares checks issued by a business with checks it presents for payment.  If the checks do not match up, you will be notified for approval or rejection.
  • ACH Positive Pay will confirm the companies approved to debit your account.  If an unapproved company attempts to debit your account, then you will be notified for approval or rejection.
Where can I sign up for Positive Pay?

Signing up is easy. Click the “Talk to an Expert” link above to get started or call a business banking specialist at 801-223-7665

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