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Young Woman sitting on a couch, using Telehealth with an iPad.

Get access to doctors on your schedule, when you need them.

Gain full access to a professional health care provider anytime, anywhere with Telehealth1 provided freely to UCCU’s Elevated Checking Members. Both physical and mental health professionals are available and can provide possible prescriptions when needed. Whether you have a minor question on a reoccurring symptom, or experience a major cold and are stuck in bed, Telehealth is your immediate support available for you, a spouse, and up to 6 of your kids right from your phone with zero copay. You can access a health professional via video call, phone call, or chat messaging.

Access Telehealth

  1. Open an Elevated Checking Account with UCCU.
    • First time users will be required to register themselves or the beneficiary.
  2. Click here to login to Elevated Checking Benefits.
  3. Select “Access Benefits, then select “Telehealth,”
  4. Select “View Benefit Description” and follow the instructions to access a telehealth professional.
    • First time users will be required to make an account with Doctegrity.
    • Some medical history forms may be required for certain inquiries.

Note: For any emergency, call 911 or visit an emergency room.

Elevated Checking Logo

Get Medical Support

Click below to get in contact with a health professional anytime, anywhere. If you don’t have Elevated Checking, open an account today and gain access to 24/7 access to medical professionals.

(801) 223-8188 | Branch Locations

Available M–F 8am–6pm, and Sat. 9am–2pm*.
*Saturday hours vary per Branch Location

Frequently Asked Questions

Does my spouse or kids need Elevated Checking to qualify for Telehealth?

No. Only the account owner needs to have an active Elevated Checking account. Therefore, the user, a spouse, and up to 6 kids under the age of 18 can have access to Telehealth. Children must be older than 2 years. Once a child turns 18, they are eligible to open a free UCCU Elevated Checking account for themselves.

Do I need active health insurance to access Telehealth?

No. All members who have an active Elevated Checking account will also have full access to Telehealth. Insurance is not required for Telehealth users. Users that have their own insurance are also fully qualified for full Telehealth benefits with an active Elevated Checking account.

Who is the provider of UCCU’s Telehealth?

Telehealth is provided through Doctegrity, with over 1,000 physicians in the network. Through Doctegrity, you can also request to speak to a doctor or therapist, add family members, manage your prescriptions, and receive an Rx discount card.

Can I get the same doctor for physical or mental health support?

It depends. Each time you use your Telehealth (either for yourself or a family member) your call/message will be documented by the doctor assigned to you. If another doctor picks up your case, they will have the detailed information about your situation.

Make sure to provide specific details for each doctor visit so they can write detailed notes for future visits. Requesting sequential visits from the same doctor will need to be discussed on a case-by-case basis with each individual health professional.

More Elevated Benefits

We’re here to help

Call or Text

(801) 223-8188
Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sat: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

Submit a Question to our Support Team

or send us a message from inside online banking.

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1Telehealth: Access to 24/7 video or phone visits with U.S.-based board-certified, licensed and credentialed doctors ready to help with urgent care or mental health for you and your family—all with zero copays. Available for the account holder and their spouse/domestic partner and up to six (6) dependent children aged 2 and older. This is not insurance. (Registration/activation required.)

Benefits are subject to change at any time and without notice. Some benefits require registration and activation. Terms and conditions apply. Click here for Elevated Checking details and guide to benefits for coverage and exclusions.