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BeMoneySmart Videos & Roadmap

Whether you’re a parent, a baby, a teen or anywhere in-between…

Family of four with be money smart cards standing outside

An award-winning program that helps kids, teens and parents learn and practice financial responsibility together.

The Perfect Way to Learn Together

BeMoneySmart is the perfect way to learn together, as a family, how to save and spend money wisely, with an interactive roadmap for kids of all ages, financial incentives, and a quick web series that follows one family’s hilarious journey with becoming Money Smart. 

The Roadmap

(Every video is short, funny and educational, but don’t worry… we won’t tell your kids if you don’t!)

Baby with piggy bank

BeMoneySmart For Kids Ages 0–5…

Congratulations…. you’re brand new!

Which means it’s time to start saving for your future and everything that comes with it. But don’t worry! Mom and Dad are here to help and UCCU will lend a hand. So you can get back to the business of being a baby and we’ll help your mom and dad take care of the rest.

Baby Bucks

What better way to start saving for your future than with FREE money? Just have Mom or Dad open a BeMoneySmart Savings Account for you before your first birthday, and UCCU will make the first deposit of $10! It’s just our way of saying: “Welcome to the rest of your life.”

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Youth Add-on CD

A BeMoneySmart Add-on Certificate is an amazing way to build an empire of wealth for your child. This tool will help your child learn smart saving habits as they begin to deposit their hard-earned money into the Add-on Certificate.

BeMoneySmart For Parents of Children Ages 0 – 5…

What’s in store for your child’s future? Pre-school? Braces? Piano lessons? Scout Camp? College? A mission? A wedding?

It may be too early to predict everything life has waiting for your child, but it’s never too soon to start saving for it. The earlier you start saving for your child’s future, the better off they’re going to be. And just imagine how much a savings account will mean to your child when they realize that you cared enough about their future to start an account for them at such a young age.

Baby Bucks

Consistency is the key to savings. And at UCCU… consistency can also be easy. Simply set-up automatic deposits when you open your child’s account. Then you can go about the business of being a parent while your child’s savings account grows and grows… automatically.

Youth Savers Account

Boasting higher returns, this is the ideal account for long-term savings goals, such as college, a mission, or even retirement. And although you’re entitled to one free withdrawal per year, you’re not limited to it. You can make additional withdrawals for just $5 each, for those “just in case” moments. And don’t forget to set up automatic deposits so your child’s money can keep growing and growing and growing and… you get the idea.

UCCU horizontal logo with blue and green gradient

Add-on CD

Introduce your child to higher yield “term deposit” savings solutions with terms starting at only 90 days or as long as 5 years. Check uccu.com for current yields or speak to an expert at any UCCU branch (who can help you determine if this account is right for your child).

Boy walking holding a piggy bank

BeMoneySmart For Kids Ages 6 – 11

Welcome to the perfect age for you to learn how money really works …

And how it can really work for you. If Mom and Dad teach you how to manage your finances now, you’ll be ready to make your dollars work – and grow – your entire life!

SmartSavers Rewards

What’s the best way to learn how to save money? Practice! When you open a savings account, UCCU will give you your very own SmartSaver Rewards deposit card. Every time you make a deposit, we’ll punch the card and you’ll move closer to cash rewards. The more punches you save… the better your reward.  It’s the perfect way to help you learn saving habits and how to set and achieve saving goals.

Make The Grade, Get Paid

You know what’s smart? Saving money and working hard in school… and we think you deserve to be rewarded for doing both. So we’ll give you $1 for every single “A” (or equivalent grade) on your year-end final report card (up to $8). Now go hit the books!

BeMoneySmart For Parents of Children Ages 6 – 11

These are the perfect years for your children to learn how money works and how it can work for them.

Teaching your children financial responsibility now will set them on a course for success their entire lives. And remember…the best way to teach any child about finances is by being a role model. Show your children restraint with money, how to follow a budget, and to contribute regularly to a savings account. Together, you and your children can enjoy all the benefits of being Money Smart.

SmartSavers Rewards

Consistency is the key to learning and developing smart financial behavior. This program was specially designed to turn “Saving Money” into an interactive activity (for you and your kids) that makes consistency and practice fun. UCCU’s SmartSaver Rewards card makes learning the habit of saving fun and easy because there’s no minimum deposit amount required. So the next time your child asks for a little extra cash, remind them that making deposits at UCCU earns them cash rewards.

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BMS Money Market

An account that pays high money market yields at lower balances, making it perfect for young savers. You can withdraw money up to six times every month. Check uccu.com for current yields or call or visit any UCCU branch for more information.

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BMS Savings Certificate

If your child has $100 or more, this might be perfect account. Introduce your child to higher yield “term deposit” savings solutions with terms starting at only 90 days or as long as 5 years. Check uccu.com for current yields or speak to an expert at any UCCU branch who can help you determine if this is the right account for your child.

Make The Grade, Get Paid

But you can call it: “More Incentive For Your Kids To Hit The Books!” Just another way to remind your child that hard work and consistency pays. If your child’s final report card has each term of the year listed, UCCU will award $1 for every single “A” for the final term (up to $8).

Animated girl holding a card with piggy bank

BeMoneySmart For Kids Ages 12 – 18

Welcome to being a teenager!

The financial habits you learn now are going to set the course for the rest of your life and UCCU is here to help. Sure, we might not be able to help you get a date to the prom, but we can help you build a bright future!

BMS Checking & Debit

Sure, it’s a checking account, but checks are so…yesterday. With this account, you’ll receive your very own BeMoneySmart VISA debit card. It can be used anywhere VISA is accepted, which makes it the perfect way to buy anything you need (and a few of the things you want). You can even pick from four different card designs, or customize your own to create a debit card that matches your style. And every transaction will be recorded in your online account, which means you – and your parents – can always see every single purchase you make.

eMoney Family Transfers

Do your parents owe you a few bucks… but never seem have any cash on them? No problem. Mom or Dad can just transfer the money right to your account online. You won’t have to wait for your cash and your parents will love being able to see exactly when they paid you and where you spent it.

Keep Track, Get Some Back

We want you to practice keeping track of your money… and we’re willing to put our money where our mouth is. UCCU will give you your very own pocket register so you can keep track of every dollar you deposit and spend. And once you fill up your register, we’ll give you $10. Yep, free cash, just for managing your dollars.


Let’s face it… Mom and Dad need to know what’s going on. And with eLerts, they always will, because they’ll receive emails – automatically – whenever there’s activity on any of your family’s accounts that they want to know about… like low balance notifications, transactions occuring, loan payments coming due, and more! So tell Mom and Dad to set up eLerts today. Trust us… they’ll thank you later.

BeMoneySmart For Parents of Children Ages 12 – 18…

Don’t look now… but your child is a teenager!

And being a teenager means that learning how to manage finances and preparing for the future are more important now than ever. By this age, kids have minds of their own…as you know all too well. So to help teenagers and parents continue to work together during these important habit forming years, UCCU’s BeMoneySmart programs offers essential opportunities to keep parents informed and involved in their children’s spending and saving behavior.

BMS Checking & Debit

Your teenager with their own VISA debit card? Sure, it may sound terrifying. But take a deep breath and hear us out… a debit card is the perfect way to keep track of exactly where and how your teenager spends each and every dollar – and that’s something you can’t do with cash. A BMS checking account and VISA debit card is the perfect way for you to keep track of your teenager’s spending and help them learn how to budget. Your child can even pick from four different card designs, or customize their own with their favorite picture to create a debit card that matches their style.

eMoney Family Transfers

Once again, it’s all about keeping track of those dollars. eMoney transfers are the fastest, easiest, most convenient way to transfer money to any family member and you’ll always, automatically have a record of every dollar transferred.

Keep Track, Get Some Back

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again…. The best way to learn smart financial behavior is through consistency and practice. UCCU is here to help you help your teenager practice, practice, practice… and remind them that practicing smart financial habits leads to earning more money.


What if you could receive email alerts whenever there’s activity – on any of your family’s accounts – that you want to know about? Set-up eLerts to notify you for low balances, transaction alerts, loan payments coming due, and much more! It’s the easy way to always know what everyone in your family is up to. Financially, that is. We can’t tell you who broke the lamp in the living room.

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